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What is a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS)?

The CTRS credential is recognized as the quality provider for recreational therapy. The National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification is the premier credentialing organization for the profession of Therapeutic Recreation. For more information, please visit:

Is Recreational Therapy (RT) covered by Medicare?

Patients are financially responsible for all charges for any and all services rendered and billed by Empower Recreational Therapy, LLC.  Recreational Therapy (RT) services are not traditionally covered by Medicare, Medicare Advantage, or Medicaid services. RT may be covered by private insurance companies; clients are responsible to know what is covered by their insurance provider.

What is the frequency of RT services?

The Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) works with the client, family, and primary care physician to determine the appropriate frequency, intensity, and duration of treatment. Most RT sessions are scheduled 2-3x/week. The length of treatment depends upon individual short- and long-term goals. We also have clients who choose ongoing services to support and maintain an active aging lifestyle. Without the limitations of Medicare driven plans and timelines, EmpoweRT is centered around your goals on your terms.

What about the other days of the week? 

We work with you to organize your daily wellness routine to support your goals beyond scheduled therapy sessions. Your therapist will work with you and your family/caregiver providing education, creative approaches, and community resources to keep you engaged and on track with your goals every day.

How long is a RT session?

Sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes. This allows adequate time for set-up, client health updates, goal setting, intervention, adaptation, family/client education opportunities, and debrief. 

Keep in mind: Your therapist spends time outside of your scheduled sessions to prepare individualized treatment plans, revising those plans based upon your progress, researching best practices, and documenting. 

How does scheduling work?

We try our best to accommodate your scheduling preferences. It is best to schedule therapy sessions weeks in advance to avoid schedule conflicts with other clients and days you may have doctor appointments or other therapies scheduled. 

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